Ideas that are being used or will be used by energy conservation club are:
- Mark switches of lights which are sufficient to lit corridors, bathrooms etc. so that we do not switch on all lights and use only the ones which are more then enough.
- Systems in workspace and teaching labs are configured to suspend/hibernate automatically when they are idle for some given duration.
- Replace tubelights with CFLs wherever possible. For example, if tubelights are being used in corridors and in bathrooms then they are being replaced with CFLs which consume less power then tubelights and give good enough light for bathroom/corridor purposes.
- Organize discussions with house keeping, security, electricians, carpenter, plumber, etc. on energy conservation.
- Organize movie shows for movies related to environment or energy conservation to increase awareness about the problem and to educate people on how we can prevent destruction of environment.
- Colloborate with other organizations which have similar goals related to conservation of energy and protection of environment as our club.
Latest news
We have launched Jain Greens as part of Green Initiatives. Jain Greens aims to provide solutions such as electrical vehicles, Solar panels, LED lights, bio-degradable packing material, Solar heaters or cookers, etc. as part of its initiatives.